IXSF Search

   "Drive your search the smart way" - Ixsf.    Download IXSF Search

       User Guide Windows 7 32-bit (x86)    User Guide Windows XP


IXSF Search is a web interface for Windows Indexing Service / Microsoft Index Server. It's written in ASP and can be easily adapted for searching your web-site or it may be used as a customizable intranet / desktop search.

Setup your intranet search in 10

  Why IXSF?

  • Simple - runs on native Windows components IS (Indexing Service) and IIS (Internet Information Server).
  • Open Source - LGPL License.
  • Free - not including technical support.


  Help. Support.

For any help on IXSF Search please refer to  Support page


  IFilterShop.com   IFilter.org

Read more:   Project details   SourceForge.net

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Copyright (C) 2005-2023 Alexey Veremenko. All rights reserved.